Welcome to Hey look a Squirtle!

My name is Anna Kirtlan and I am a writer from Aotearoa New Zealand. At 43 I became a card-carrying member of the neurospicy club (autism and ADHD) and feel like I am learning to life all over again - in a good way!

Why Squirtle? Well we don’t have squirrels in NZ and I’m easily distracted by Pokémon. I want to use this as a space to share my ‘aha’ moments and learn about yours.

If you are a fellow spice cadet starting from scratch or you want to learn more to support folk in your life who are, you’ve come to the right place!

If you are into sci-fi and humour and horror and sailing (I have ADHD - don’t expect me to stick to one genre!) You can find my books and writing here:


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There will always be a free version though - that’s a promise. And spicey folk don’t make promises lightly!

Bring the spice - join the comment crew!

As a baby spice, I would love to hear your wisdom. What has worked for you, what hasn’t, what you need to rant about, what worries you, what collections you have.

I want this to be a safe space for us so won’t be tolerating homophobia, racism, ablism or any of the other bad isms (autism is a good ism just in case that wasn’t clear.)

Whether you participate in the comments, lurk and absorb or support this work with a subscription, you are safe and welcome here.

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Subscribe to Hey look a Squirtle! Adulting with AuDHD

Musings from a late diagnosed autistic ADHDer who also writes books.


Short, orange, Muppet enthusiast. Paranormal humour/horror writer who dabbles in creative non-fic. Late diagnosed autistic ADHDer. Why squirtle? There are no squirrels in Aotearoa New Zealand and I get easily distracted by Pokémon.